LLENGUA ANGLESA: Eating habits

Resultado de imagen de sagrada familia neighborhood restaurant map
On the 9th of June 2017, Third of E.S.O. some students from the school Roig-Tesalia went to the park near the Sagrada Familia and there we made some questions to the tourists who were there about their eating habits. Here are their answers:

- Where are you from?

Resultado de imagen de banderas
In this graph we can see that most of the tourists are from the USA  by tourists from Germany, Italy and France.

- What's your favourite dish from your country?

Resultado de imagen de favourite dish
In this graph we can see that people like different types of food.

- What is the most popular dish in your country?

In this graph we can see that the most popular dish between all the tourists that went here is fish and chips followed by different types of pasta.

- Which dishes have you eaten here so far?
The most popular Spanish dishes that tourists have eaten so far are: croquettes, hams, cheese, tapas to name but a few.

- What 's your favourite type of food?
Resultado de imagen de pasta

In this graph we can see that most people like healthy food, fast food and pasta.

-Do you think that Spanish food is more expensive than food in your country?
In this graph we can see that Spanish food is cheaper than food from their countries.

-What's your favourite dish in Spain or Barcelona?

Resultado de imagen de paella
Here we can see that the dishes that the people like the most are: Paella and Tapas to name but a few.

- What are the differences between our country and your country when it comes to food?
In this graph we can see that food in Spain is very different than food from other countries and that food is cheaper in Spain again.

- Do you prefer fast food or normal restaurants?
Resultado de imagen de Porxos
In this graph we can see that people prefer normal restaurants to fast food restaurants.

- What do you prefer: fast food or healthy food?
Resultado de imagen de comida sana
Here we can see that most people prefer healthy food to fast food.

- What's your favourite fast food restaurant?
Here we can see that people prefer fast food restaurants such as Burger King, KFC and so on to other restaurants.

- How often do you eat out?
Resultado de imagen de restaurante noche
In this graph we can see that most people go and eat out once a month.

- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
In this graph we can see that most people have eggs for breakfast.

- What do you prefer: tapas or mixed plates?

In this graph we can see that most people prefer tapas to mixes plates.  

- What's your favourite dish?

In this graph we can see that people really like eating pasta followed by other Italian dishes and pizza and Mexican food.

- From 1 to 10, how would you rate Spanish food?
Resultado de imagen de rate
Most people think that Spanish food is good but not perfect.

Then, tourists asked us some questions. The most interesting ones were:

- Do you like the food from Barcelona?
   Yes, I do.

- Do you like Irish food?
  We haven't tasted it yet.

- Do Spanish people use different spices in different parts of Spain?
  Yes, they do.

- Where do you usually eat: In restaurants or at home?
  I usually eat in my house.

- What's your favourite restaurant in Barcelona?
  My favourite restaurant in Barcelona is Casajuana.

- Why don't you put more salt in the food?
  We don't know.

- Why do you usually have three dishes?
  We usually eat three dishes because we like it this way.

- What's your favourite neighborhood to eat out?
  My favourite neighborhood to eat out is The Sagrada Familia Neighborhood. 

- What's the typical food in Spain?
  The typical food in Spain is paella and fideuà.

- What should we eat here in Spain?
  You should eat bistec here.

As a conclusion, we were able to learn that the food from here is very different than food from other countries. We also learnt that tourists, even if there were a lot from America, belonged to different countries. We also found out that they like different types of food and that most of them like paella, pasta and tapas. Most of them are very healthy and they don't like fast food a lot. We could also see that here in Spain food is cheaper than other countries and that if they had to rate Spanish food, tourists would give them an 8.

Resultado de imagen de tourist eating


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